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Welcome to IJGEES

International Journal of Geography, Earth and Environment Science is an open access, double blind, international journal. Its an aiming to speed up the announcement of recent advancements in the relevant all areas of Sciences, Geography, Earth and Environment Science etc. We promise researchers, academicians and healthcare professionals to offer a forum in disseminating their high quality research work through online. This journal facilitates the research and wishes to publish papers as long as they are technically correct, scientifically motivated. The journal also encourages the submission of useful reports of negative results. This is a quality controlled, OPEN peer reviewed, open access international Journal.

International Journal of Geography, Earth and Environment Science is an open access, Bouble Blind, aiming to speed up the announcement of recent advancements in the relevant all areas of Sciences, Geography, Earth and Environment Science etc. We process all manuscripts fast and transparently, without compromising the peer-review standard.

IJGEES supports all researchers to make reaching the furthest with their research. Special attention will be taken to the researchers that are coming from developing regions.

IJGEES is a high-quality Open Access (OA) online-only journal. This means easy compliance with the Open Access Policy of many institutions and funders all over the world who made open access to publications mandatory.

IJGEES submission method and fast processing enable you to publish your research efficiently whilst keeping additional effort to a minimum

Fast Service

We process all manuscripts fast and transparently, without compromising the peer-review standard. Publishes articles within 48 hrs as it has a wide team of reviewers. Read →

Processing Fee

Authors are required to make payment only after their manuscripts have been reviewed and accepted for publication. However, there are no submission charges. Read →

Google Searchable

All publishes articles are searchable in different search Engine like Google. Explore your research work. Indexed All published paper in diffrent database.


Open Access International referred Journal